OK celebrating their ad's success
OK's "fencing film" won a lot of awards at The True Award this Friday evening, and it's flattering. "To have customers who are also, in a way, ambassadors for the messages of one's ads is probably one of the things you wish for the most from a marketing perspective", the marketing executive believes.
As mentioned, OK's "Fencing" ad, featuring a fencing club who has to go through terribly many ordeals in order to make things work, ran away with a lot of honors when The True Award were handing out awards for the best ads of the year Friday evening.
OK were able to walk away from the awards show with "The Students' Award", "The TV 2 Award" and "Norstats Audience Award" in their arms.
- We are incredibly proud to have received three awards that all have in common that they are awarded based on what the consumers and the customers most enjoy. To have customers who are also, in a way, ambassadors for the messages of one's ads is probably one of the things you wish for the most from a marketing perspective, says OK marketing executive Ole Kjeldgaard.
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In particular, he singles out the "Audience Award" and "The TV 2 Award". The latter is a new initiative at The True Award, the purpose of which is to provide the consumer's evaluation of which ad has the strongest impact.
- This means that it has been estimated that our ad has a broad appeal. And in connection with this it is worth noting that TV 2 has analyzed a very wide range of ads amongst a panel of consumers from the TV channel's knowledge bank, says Ole Kjeldgaard.
- OK scored highly in the test when it came to whether or not the consumers wanted to watch the ad again, and a large amount of the consumers would mention the ad to their friends if they were talking about similar products. We are very delighted about this at OK, he further says.
In addition, "Fencing" has given 23 percent of the consumers a more positive perception of OK, says the conclusion of the analysis from TV 2's creative knowledge bank, which has so far tested 230 ads and has involved more than 600 representatively chosen consumers.
The ad agency Agency Spring and M2Film collaborated with OK's marketing department to make "Fencing".
Watch the ad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwrjzUL2Aig
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